Heal & Transform

Your Burnout Into Vitality and Joy

Learn How to Ignite Your Inner Joy and Vitality

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Is this you?

  • You feel burned out, exhausted, or overwhelmed, and you're not really sure what to do.

  • You feel disconnected from yourself, like there's a heavy weight pulling you away from who you're meant to be.

  • You have issues with negative self-talk, fear, worry, sadness, fatigue, and maybe even your health.

Let me help you transform exhaustion and overwhelm into joyous vitality!

What if you could...

  • Go from a state of survival mode, one where your nervous system is in fight or flight, to one where you're at peace, balanced and energized?

  • Wake up everyday with the tools ready to tackle any of your challenges in life and work?

  • Release stuck emotions and habits that are robbing you of your joy and authenticity?

  • Dive deep into your own healing journey and step into vitality, love and deep connection?

Introducing the

Transforming Burnout

6 Week Integrative Program

What you get

When you join this group coaching program, you are committing to showing up, diving into your truth, and building an arsenal of tools for healing your burnout and exhaustion.

  • 6 in-depth, live trainings where Sarina Helen guides you through the program's proven process module by module, so that you feel supported every step of the way.
  • An e-workbook to support you in doing the homework and staying on track with your progress with ease. 
  • EFT Tapping video so that you can process your emotions and reprogram your subconscious mind.
  • Guided meditations and breathwork videos to help guide you through a nervous system reset.
  • Lifetime access to the program so that you can move at your own pace and revisit the course anytime you need it.
  • One 1:1 30 minute coaching session with me
Sign me up!
Hey there!

I'm Sarina Helen

Read my story  ➝


I was once exactly where you are now: exhausted, burned out, overwhelmed, and feeling lost and helpless.

As a Holistic Wellness Coach, I use all of my learnings from the past decade to accelerate your healing and transformation to a life you can't even imagine! I'm here for you and together we can do the deep work so that you can finally embody love, joy, authenticity, vitality and be the person that you dream about being.

Lean into Joy, Vitality, and Authenticity Every Month!

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